Cognitive game (game by stations)

"How good it is to be healthy!"


formation of an installation for a healthy and safe lifestyle;

To teach students to find in their environment and correctly apply factors that have a positive impact on health.


the formation of the ability to resist the actions of influences that pose a threat to life, health, personal safety;

development of goodwill, positive attitude to life;

the education of a careful attitude towards one's health, the health of others.


Introduction. Introduction to the theme of the game.

- Dear Guys! I'm glad to see you at this event, the topic of which, you tell me yourself, after listening to a fairy tale.

"In one fabulous country on the shore of the beautiful sea stood a palace. In him lived a ruler who had 3 sons. The father loved his sons, and they reciprocated him. The children grew kind, obedient, hardworking. One upset the ruler - the children often ached. The governor invited the most wise people of the country to the palace and asked: "Why do people get sick?What should be done to make people live happily ever after? "The wise men consulted for a long time, and the oldest of them said:" Human health depends in many ways on the way of life, behavior and ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations. "The sage ruler listened and ordered to open School of Health for all children of the country. "

To be healthy, you need to be able to take care of your health yourself. Health is the main thing that needs to be protected and strengthened. However, sometimes we do not know how to do it, or do not pay attention to it. Health in a greater degree depends on the person, on his way of life and style of behavior.

We suggest you go on a trip around the country "Health" and the motto of our route will be "How good it is to be healthy".On the way you will meet the station: "Literary", "Hygiene", "Proper nutrition", "Vitamin", "Sports", "Harmful habits."

Journey through the stations.

- It's very important to be healthy. Only a healthy person can fully experience the joy of life. It is easy for him to work and study, to pursue his favorite hobbies. One sage was asked:

"What is the most valuable and important for a person in life: wealth or fame?" After thinking, the sage replied:

"Neither riches nor glory make a person happy" - and then added a phrase that became a proverb-

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.

- How can you explain the meaning of this statement? (Answers of the children.)

- So, we set off and the first stop.

Station "Literary"

- How many folk proverbs about health. Combine the phrase and read the proverb:

I'm going to start the proverb, and you try to find an end, you have endings on the desks, connecting both phrases and we get a proverb.

In a healthy body ...
healthy spirit.
I got sick of my stomach ...
keep your mouth empty.
To the weak ...
and the disease sticks.
The land is dried by heat, and ...
Health is more expensive ...
of gold.
There are a thousand diseases, and health ...  
only one.
Where is the tobacco there is an ulcer and ...
It's better to breathe fresh air than ...
drink medicine.
A healthy person every day ...
- And now I suggest you guess the riddles and on the answers we will know what is being said.
Smooth, fragrant, washes cleanly.
It is necessary, that everyone had
What, guys? (Soap)
Here's a funny incident!
Settled in the bathroom cloud.
The rain is pouring down from the ceiling
To me on the back and sides.
How pleasant it is!
The rain is warm, warmed,
There is no puddles on the floor.
All the guys love ... (Shower)
As many as 25 teeth
For curls and crest.
And under each under the tooth
Lie the hair in a row. (Comb)
Tail of bone!
And on the back is a seta. (Toothbrush)
Lying in the pocket and guard
Roar, cry and dirt
They will burst into tears in the morning,
I will not forget about the nose.  (Handkerchief)
Bony back,
Abdomen setae.
On a fence freckled
All the dirt upped. (Toothbrush)
Wet me with water
Yes, rub your hand ...
As I start to walk around my neck
Immediately you gorge, (Soap)
Wafer, striped,
smooth, shaggy.
Always at hand - What is it? (Towel)
Like a hedgehog in appearance,
But does not ask for food, It will
run through clothes
- It will become purer. (Fitting brush)
Why do we need all these items? Correctly! In order to follow yourself - to be clean and tidy .. A clean person is a healthy person. And health is the main wealth, and cleanliness helps people to save their health! This is what folk wisdom says:
  • Who is more accurate, people are more pleasant.
  • Purity is the best beauty.
  • Purely to live - to be healthy.
  • Do not think to be smart, but think to be neat
  • Clean water for trouble.
Hygiene Station
- So, we get to the station "Hygiene".
And here is the first task: read the motto
HYGIENE is a science that deals with the protection of health and the prevention of diseases.
The skin is the body's armor from different bacteria. It protects the human body from wind, rain, insect bites, as a barrier stands in the way of various poisonous substances and bacteria.
- What threatens the skin?
(Mud. Dirty skin is a favorite place for microbes.)
"Where is dirt most likely to accumulate?"
(Most often on arms, legs, face and under fingernails.)
My hands after the game
And after the toilet.
From the street came - again
Do not forget about this.
And another law is
My hands are before eating.
PERSONAL HYGIENE is the actions that we perform to keep the body clean. Every person, some things, should be personal, only he should use them. Other items can be used by all family members. It is necessary to wash, wash your hands with soap, make sure that your clothes are clean and take care of your teeth. Every week, always wash the body with hot water and soap. Scientists believe that during washing with soap and a washcloth, 1.5 billion microbes are removed
Quest-Game "Pick up a pair
Shower gel
Doctor's advice: (written on a poster)
  • To be healthy, one must keep clean.
  • From simple water and soap, microbes melt.
  • Once a week, washing thoroughly.
  • In the morning, after sleep, my hands, face, neck and ears.
  • My hands after cleaning the room, games, walks.
  • Cut your nails regularly.
Let's repeat, when and why you need to wash your hands?
My hands
-before eating;
- After visiting the toilet;
-After playing with animals;
in the morning and before bedtime;
-other cases (examples lead to learning)
What is this riddle about?
When we eat -
They work,
When we do not eat -
They are resting.
We will not clean them -
They will fall ill.
(It's teeth!)
What do you think, and which teeth are better: healthy or sick? Why? (read the memo)
(Healthy teeth grind food well in the mouth, healthy teeth help us to properly and beautifully talk, decorate the person's smile)
How to keep your teeth healthy?  
-clean your teeth every day;
-do not eat much sweet;
- Do not bite the teeth with the teeth and do not gnaw nuts;
-After meals, rinse your mouth with water;
-After a hot meal, do not drink cold water at once, and vice versa;
-Don't pick your teeth with sharp objects;
-Check the condition of your teeth with your doctor.
We leave for the next station.
Station "Sportivnaya"
Everyone knows that a person is healthy only when there are sports and physical activities in his life. What kinds of sports do you know? (children list the sports) For good health, you need to do exercises every day. Try to wriggle out (any other exercise), how many times you do, you will get so many points.
- What is useful in physical education and sports? It is important to do exercises every day, walk more, play outdoor games on the street, play sports. It's not for nothing that they say "Movement is life!"
- What do you think happens in our body when we do exercises?
(During exercise, our muscles work harder, so they need more oxygen, the heart that works smoothly, has to pump blood more quickly and faster to deliver more oxygen to the muscles.) If you exercise daily, your heart becomes stronger.)
Ask Write Answers to Questions
  1. A sport using a racket and a shuttlecock
  2. Sport shoes
  3. Kind of fight in gloves
  4. Playing the ball
  5. What is hammered into the gate when playing hockey
  6. The object used for riding on the asphalt
  7. Ball game with a hit in the basket
  8. Playing the ball on the water
  9. The subject for skiing in the mountains in winter
10.The subject for ice skating
- They say "Movement is life".
- What allows us to move? Bones and muscles.
Did you know that there are 206 bones in the skeleton of an adult and 600 muscles in the muscles. But our bones and muscles can also get tired.
- Now we will do together:
  • Hands down, along the trunk, we lift the shoulders up and down one by one. Simultaneously up, down.
  • Circular motion shoulders alternately, simultaneously.
  • For the muscles of the trunk, the exercise "Look Back" (hands behind the head, legs to the width of the shoulders turn to the right - look at the left heel, turn to the left - look at the right heel).
  • We will train the muscles of the legs (rolling from the heel to the toe).
       We checked the posture
       And they brought the blades
       We are like socks,
       And then on the heels.
  • Self-massage of fingers (when we are tired of writing)
  • Well, the most fun moves are a game. "Relay" - pass the balloon.
- It is very important to temper your body. The seasoned person rarely gets sick, it needs to be tempered gradually - to pour first with warm, cool water, gradually making it cold. There are people who even in the winter bathe in the river. But the hardening can be successful only if certain rules are observed.
Station "Proper nutrition"
Welcome to the station "Correct food". All of you know that without food a person can not live. The food contains nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Some foods nourish the body with energy - they give strength and warmth so that you can move, engage in mental activity and at the same time not be tired. Others help build an organism and make a person stronger. And the third depends on the development of man, his defenses. To a man for a long time to keep his health, he was beautiful and strong, he must eat a delicious, useful and varied food.  
- Proper nutrition is very important for everyone's health. It is the wrong food, that is, the consumption of foods harmful to the body is the cause of some diseases. We eat to live. Nutrition is the natural physiological process of man. First of all, you must follow the diet. It is more correct to eat 4-5 times a day at the same time. It is desirable to eat more vegetables and fruits and less sweet, fatty and salty. It was established that the composition of our food must include: water, proteins, fats, sugar or carbohydrates.
CARBOHYDRATES are fuel for cells. They give us energy.
PROTEINS are building materials for building cells. Muscles on the body increase due to proteins.
FATS -  it's food and fuel depots in the "rainy day", and "warm underwear" and fuses from the blows.
- There are products that are useful to people. This is kefir, milk, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, etc.
"But there are foods that are harmful to health." These are sweets, chocolate in large quantities. And also there are products that do not cause harm, but are not useful, necessary for health. This is white bread, various rolls, pies.
Here's an assignment - you have pictures on your desks that show products that are good for your health, and foods that are unhealthy - fat and sweet. You need to divide them into two groups: healthy food and food harmful to the body. Then we will check and summarize. (independent work, summing up)
And now let's play.
Game "Useful and unhelpful"
- Now we will play a game, during which we will repeat the names of useful and unhelpful products. I ask the question, you say yes or no.
Porridge - delicious food
Is this useful for us? (Yes)
Onion green sometimes
We are useful to children? (Yes)
In a puddle of dirty water
Is it useful sometimes? (No)
Shchi - great food
Is this useful for us? (Yes)
Amanita soup is always -
Is this useful for us? (No)
Fruit is simply beauty!
Is this useful for us? (Yes)
Dirty berries sometimes
Eat healthy, kids? (No)
Vegetables grow ridge.
Vegetables are useful? (Yes)
Juice, compote sometimes
Are they useful for us, children? (Yes)
Eat a large bag of chocolates
Is it harmful, children? (Yes)
Only useful food
We always have on the table!
And once a healthy meal -
Will we be healthy? (Yes)
- Well done. All products are identified correctly.
The station "Vitamin"
- Guys, with food a person gets all the substances necessary for growth and development of the body, to replenish the energy expended. Do you know what is needed for the growth of a young organism? (answers of children)
- That's right - vitamins. I suggest listening to the poem.
"The dispute of vitamins"
Vitamins A, B, C.
Nestled on the porch,
And they shout, and argue:
Who is more important for health?
I, - said important A,
- would not grow without me.
I, "interrupts C,
" Everyone is ill without me.
No, I sighed.
"I'm more important on Earth."
Who does not respect me -
Badly sleeping and weak is.
So they would argue,
Quarreling all the days,
If Petya was a disciple
He did not tell them straight:
"All of you, brothers, are good
For health and soul."
If I had not eaten you all,
I would have been sick and sick.
I'm friends with you all.
I cherish the health!
- Guys, and what vitamins do you know?
(A, B, C,).
-  And what foods are rich in vitamins?
Let's try to guess the riddles of products rich in vitamins
Carrots, cabbage, milk, butter.
Vitamin A:
  • The girl in the dungeon is sitting, and the braid in the street  (Carrot)
  • Scarlet, sugar, green suit, velvet (Watermelon)
  • What a squeak, what a crunch
What is this bush
How to be without a crunch
If I'm a (Cabbage)
  • Liquid, not water; white, not snow  (Milk)
  • What is always on top of the water? (Butter)
These products contain vitamin A - it is very necessary for our body. Vitamin A is very rich in carrots. This vitamin helps us to keep our eyesight.
Remember the simple truth.
It is better to see only one,
Who chews carrots raw
Or he drinks carrot juice.
- And now riddles about some foods rich in vitamin D:
  • Parents and children
All clothes from coins (Fish)
Vitamin D  helps to strengthen teeth, it has a lot of phosphorus. It helps in the formation of bones of the human skeleton and muscles. And this vitamin is found in milk, cabbage, butter. Vitamins C strengthen our immunity, protect against disease.But in what products is it contained try to guess.
  • Black berries are a lush bush,
They taste good. (Black currant)
  • From cold and sore throat help ... (Oranges)
  • Although very acidic, he
It's better to eat ... (Lemon)
  • I wanted to cry all of a sudden -
Tears of pouring made ... (Onions)
  • Who, the guys, is unfamiliar,
With the white-toothed ... (Garlic)
In onions and garlic are special odoriferous substances phytoicide, feeling the smell of onions and garlic viruses are dying.Phytoicides help protect our body from germs, so onions and garlic must be eaten, so as not to get sick and protect your body from harmful microbes.
Vitamins are rich in almost all vegetables and fruits (onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, beets, dill, parsley, pumpkin, tomatoes), which is why they should be eaten daily, and fruit juices consumed.
- And now we will play the game: you know that there are a lot of products, but not all of them are useful for a person. Let's assemble in a basket only those products that are rich in vitamins and will benefit our health.
Game: choose products that are healthy.
- The word "vitamin" is formed from the Latin word, which in translation means "life."
- And what should you eat to supplement our body with vitamins?
(fruits and vegetables)
Now we will guess the crossword, where the names of fruits, vegetables and berries are encrypted.
The task. In five minutes, find as many berries, fruits and vegetables as possible.
Answers: carrot, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, onion, cabbage, orange, mandarin, lemon, apple, grapes, plum, watermelon, corn, pepper, pomegranate, pear, potato, beet, pineapple, cherry, melon, cherry, strawberry, banana, mango
- Well done boys! Correctly guessed all the vegetables and fruits. And now guess the riddles.
What is the fruit of the American
We came to Magadan
On the top of his bow,
In the cell of his caftan (pineapple)
He is both juicy and fragrant,
And outside is golden.
This fruit came to us
From far Africa (orange)
I'm a pot-bellied yellow fruit:
Sour, but useful.
If the throat hurts,
I'll drive the blues away in a moment. (lemon)
Golden and useful,
Vitamin, albeit sharp,
Bitter taste has he ...
Burns ... not lemon (onions)
We leave for the next station.
Station "Bad habits"
And what harms to health? What bad habits do you know?
"You said it right." To bad habits can be attributed:
  • Alcohol, smoking, drug addiction. Even once you try something, a person can become addicted, which will turn into a big trouble for him.
  • Non-observance of the regime of the day.
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene (does not brush your teeth, does not wash).
  • Incorrect food.
And it's very harmful to watch a long TV and spend a lot of time on the computer. If you feel that your eyes are tired, you can do some simple exercises.
So you learned how to take care of your health. But there are people who do not
help health, harm themselves. What can harm your health? Of course, bad habits. And what bad habits do you know?(answers of children)
- When a person smokes, the tobacco slowly burns and smoke is formed. Smoke consists of many harmful substances, among them 30 poisonous, it is a carbon monoxide, tobacco tar, nicotine. Carbon monoxide makes it difficult for oxygen
to enter the body, tobacco tar clogs the lungs. One resin, that is, a viscous substance of a dark color, when one pack is smoked per day for a year, 1 glass of this liquid settles on the lungs, this makes the person who smokes constantly cough.Nicotine negatively affects the work of the heart. Nicotine is not alone, with him a lot of diseases. Is it better to be a patient?
Everyone knows how a person changes, when he starts using drugs, how his health deteriorates, his appearance, the circle of communication changes, how his life starts to roll on an inclined and most often leads to death. The person who uses drugs lives on average 3 years. On the street or in the company of friends, you can be trapped by different drugs, and heavy substances and even sometimes simple glue, which turns out to be a drug too.
Do you think alcohol affects people? On their health?
Alcohol affects the brain. If alcohol is consumed by children, adolescents, they are dull, poorly learn. Violated the work of the heart. Alcohol burns the walls of the stomach.
Suffer and lungs. The liver detoxifies alcohol. But this happens slowly. For 1 hour - 1 gram. If you drank 1 spoonful of alcohol, the liver needs 10 hours to neutralize alcohol. And if alcohol is drunk a lot, cells die and the liver decomposes.
That's how the whole human body gradually destroys alcohol.
Everyone knows that alcohol is one of the main enemies of man. Guys, let's make a verbal portrait of a drinking person
- pale skin,
- an unpleasant smell from the mouth, from clothes,
- unhealthy hair,
- Irritability,
- inattention,
- distraction,
- dizziness,
- lack of appetite,
- aggression,
- Insomnia.
Write the pros and cons of smoking cigarettes. Discussion.
Pros: Element of comfort. Coquetry (the game is a beautiful lighter, a pack of cigarettes). Losing weight. Elimination of nervous tension. The desire to seem more mature.
Cons: Skin aging. Propensity to colds. Bad smell from the mouth. Yellowing of teeth. The voice becomes hoarse, smoky (especially in women.) Fingers of hands, nails turn yellow. Slows down growth. Suffer the children of smokers (increased incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia.) Cancer of the lungs, lips, throat. A waste of money.
Station "Health"
- The last station of our trip is called health. And for health, the mood of a person plays a significant role. As you know, a good mood is a pledge of good health. When a person enjoys life, thinks only of good things, then only good things happen in his life. There are many sayings and proverbs about good and good. Let's read them.
And the spirit can be badly hurt.
The best decoration of life is a good mood!
Gloomy mood - this is a blank wall between us and the world around us.
Weather can affect the mood, and the mood for the weather in the house
It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No, success comes to those who get up in a good mood.
Happiness goes to the house where a good mood always reigns.
- And I want to add about the regime of the day.
The regime is the order of things during the day. When drawing up the regime of the day, it is necessary that study and work be followed by rest, spending time outdoors, eating at least three times a day, going to bed and waking up at the same time.Day regimen is one of our assistants in maintaining health.
It is he who creates the most favorable conditions for active activity, and for restoring the body's strength. Moreover, it helps to increase our mental and physical performance. And only when the regime is observed, do we feel cheerful, confident, capable of much. The regime improves efficiency, accustoms to accuracy, disciplines the person, strengthens health.
And in the end of our trip, let's do one job.
(for each letter of this word find words that are relevant to health, a healthy lifestyle)
3 -order, hardening,
P-mode, comb
B-water, vitamins,
We wish you guys to
be healthy always.
But to achieve the result is
impossible without difficulty.
Try not to be lazy -  
Every time before eating,
Before you sit down at the table,
Wash your hands with water.
And charge
daily in the morning.
And, of course, temper -
It will help you so.
Fresh air breathe,
If possible always, Take
walks in the woods,
He will give you strength, friends!
We opened secrets to you,
How to save your health,
Follow all the advice,
And it will be easy for you to live.

We wish all health, We do not offend anyone,
There is enough space on earth For
all people, animals, me
That our land will bloom,
We wish everyone good.

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