To choose an idea for a blog, it is necessary to approach extremely carefully and give
enough time to this process. That in the future the interest will not be lost and your
creation will not be abandoned . And the truth is this: almost 90% of newcomers drop
their blog in the first six months.

When choosing an idea, remember the most important rule: the subject of the blog
should be close to you, so that it would be nice to write new articles, and you
received moral and spiritual satisfaction from it .

If this rule is met, then surely your blog will achieve high results.
Before choosing a blog subject, answer yourself to a few key questions:
Am I willing to love and cherish my creation as a child?
Is this blog topic interesting to me?
1.Can I tell the readers anything new?
2. What can I teach?
3. Who will my future readers be?
4. Is this topic interesting to people?
5. Is it possible to make money on this topic?
Some interesting ideas for a blog

Below in the list I will bring my thoughts, which I think can shoot in the future. I’m not
saying that they are 100% justified. Everything will depend only on the author of the
blog. My task is to help push you, to steer in the right direction.
Carefully read each item and think it suits you or not? And also write in the comments that you liked, and what you think is not worth attention.

  1. About the beginning athlete (football player, hockey player, no matter what, the idea is that in the future he can achieve great results, and your blog will already exist).
  2. About one day of life of celebrities.
  3. About health at the computer.
  4. Blog your pet.
  5. About the records and the Guinness Book of Records.
  6. On the water (everything about water, its benefits, harm, where it occurs, etc.).
  7. About babies (if you have a child, create a blog about his life).
  8. About foci and magicians.
  9. About the Olympic records.
  10. About gifts (we all are looking for what to give for the holiday, why not give an
  11. answer to this question in the blog?).
  12. About the new series.
  13. About UFOs!
  14. Ideas, what to do with a big company.
  15. About the paranormal.
  16. Answers to questions from the Internet.
  17. About myths and facts.
  18. About the red book.
  19. On the disappeared species of animals.
  20. About the most unusual people.
  21. About unusual hobbies.
  22. About the parables.
  23. About the beautiful places in your city.
  24. About your young family.
  25. About the amazing.
  26. Blog in the style of the destroyers of myths.
  27. About the new invention.
  28. About dreams.
  29. On the psychology of color.
  30. Where to draw inspiration from?
From YouTube
We all love to watch an exciting video. But look at this, on the other hand. From the video, you can take an interesting idea for a blog.
I think this is the right decision. People can spend hours practicing their hobby, their favorite thing. It can be anything, anything, cooking delicious food, raising children, collecting, building, etc.
Professional qualities (your work)
You work as a lawyer, then why not create your own personal website and not help people
who need legal assistance on it? Or maybe you’re a cook, then create a blog about goodies.
And if you are a salesperson, create a blog about new products or how to sell. I think you
understand the idea
Life Events
The idea is to describe your life event in a blog. Give a solution. For example, you moved to
live in America and write to a blog about how to move to America and how to survive a
Russian person.
From the bookstore
Just walk around at the bookstore and look at the different books. Appreciate what people are
interested in, what they like to read, how often they buy a book. Or maybe the idea of ​​your
blog will be some novel that became a bestseller and shook the world. For example, like
Harry Potter or today’s Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones).
From close people
Just ask them to be interested. Or what do you understand by their opinion and what do
you get better than others. From the side is always more visible.
Tip: often we search the Internet for information on some topic, and to find it necessary
to shovel the entire Internet and view thousands of sites. And why not collect all this
information in one place and tell it in clear language? Think about it.

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