Game "Healthy Way of Life"
for pupils of 7-8-9 grades
Authors: PonomarevaT.E. and Smirnova N.Yu.
Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards healthy life style among students; to cause a desire to take seriously their health; to charge with good mood.
1.know what is wrong food or the "hidden enemies" of a healthy lifestyle

2. Repeat what you need sports and exercise;

3. remember the basic means of hygiene;
4. repeat prevention of ARVI; the consequences of using surfactants

Introductory conversation .
The teacher asks the children questions:
-What is HLS?
- How do we understand the expression "Healthy lifestyle"?
"Do you want to preserve your health?" 

Human health is the main value in life. You can not buy health for money. Being sick, you can not realize your dreams, you can not solve vital problems. To be healthy is a natural desire of a person, sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us should realize what an invaluable treasure it is. Let's think together about what health is, a healthy lifestyle.
Today we will talk about what prevents us from maintaining health and encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle! Scientists and doctors are sounding the alarm. Catastrophically increases the number of children and adolescents with serious health problems. The mankind has appeared in a captivity of the inventions. And today we want to talk about a way of life that helps a person overcome their laziness and take care of their health. As you guessed it, this is a healthy lifestyle . Let's try to understand this problem.

A healthy lifestyle is a meaningful system of human habits and behavior that provides a certain level of health." 

A healthy lifestyle provides for 

  • physical culture and sports; 

  • prevention of diseases; 

  • leisure; 

  • hygiene of body and soul; 

  • balanced diet. 

There are health problems with which we are born and we can not solve them, but very often we get these problems because of the wrong attitude towards our health. A modern teenager does not always understand how he cares about his health. 

First of all, he does not want to eat rationally! Malnutrition is the hidden cause of most human diseases. The use of fatty foods from an early age leads to weight gain. The abundance of food containing a large number of substitutes and colorants, gradually poisons the body, but it also causes addiction. Beware, poison!The effect of many substances added to products is comparable to the action of poisons. Your body receives poisons in small doses, gets used to them and does not send any alarm signals, expressed by rashes on the skin, or nausea, or dizziness. Improper nutrition is a direct way to obesity, to heart diseases, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Harmful products shorten a person's life, poison the body. Think, is it worth it to waste your life on removing these poisons from the body? Over a billion people in the world suffer from overweight and obesity. Among US adults found an extra body weight every fifth inhabitant of North America and the United Kingdom - one in three , Germany - each the second . Of particular concern is obesity among children: in the UK, 20% of children and adolescents have excessive body weight, 27% in Spain, 31% in Greece, and 36% in Italy. In Russia, overweight women have 50% of women and 30% of men.People who can not eat rationally, as a rule, do not have the willpower. They do not live for today, but start planning to change their lives on Monday. "You do nothing, just lie down and lose weight!" - broadcast numerous TV commercials. So, unfortunately, it does not happen. Look at the western music stars and movies. Possessing great opportunities (both material and technical), they for some reason do not rely on magic means, from which you lose weight in a dream, and till the seventh sweat spend hours at the gyms and watch their food. And I would like to add that in the countries of Western Europe, the most complete people are middle class and the poorest people who eat fast food with lots of soy and chemical additives. Abroad, many full people are not even taken to a prestigious job.It is believed that a person who does not know how to control his appetite will not be able to work well. You so imagine your future? Many children consume large amounts of hidden fat and drink them with sugary drinks. Dependence on these products is similar to drug use. The most delicious foods are the most harmful products in the modern world! 

We want to introduce you to the "hidden enemies" of a healthy lifestyle, and to appeal to all, to eat rationally. 

The "hot ten " of the most dangerous products of the modern era: 

  • Chewing sweets , pastilles in bright packaging, "meibons", "chupa-chups" 

  • Chips and french fries are very harmful to the body. 

  • Sweet carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases (Coca-Cola, for example, a wonderful remedy for calcareous scale and rust ) 

  • Chocolate bars are a huge amount of calories in combination with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and fragrances 

  • Sausage products are one of the most harmful products in the modern gastronomic assortment. They contain so-called hidden fats. Sausages, sausages, 80% sausages (!) Consist of transgenic soy. 

  • Mayonnaise is dangerous for life! 

  • Among the harmful products is not only mayonnaise, but also ketchup, various sauces and dressings 

  • Food products are unsuitable for food: instant noodles , numerous soluble soups, mashed potatoes, soluble juices. 

  • Salt. 

  • Alcohol 

Before you eat something, think several times, eat only healthy foods and be healthy! Harmful products shorten a person's life, poison the body. Think about your future and the future of your children!
Think about whether it is worth eating dubious cutlets and potatoes fried in technical oil? Maybe you should think about yourself, your health and appearance?

Secondly . Do you think it is possible to get sick from non-observance of personal hygiene? What is personal hygiene? What are the rules of personal hygiene you know? Dirt and untidiness in clothes is a disregard for one's health, and dishonesty is disrespect not only to oneself, but to surrounding people. Dirty people are, as a rule, lazy people. Lazy schoolchildren miss school, learn badly, they do not want to carry out any assignments, do not like to write in notebooks, read books. They do not bring up the habit of working, helping their parents in domestic affairs. Why is cleanliness and health linked? Remember: Purity is the best beauty. Who is neat - that person is pleasant. 

ThirdlyGo in for sports, learn to overcome difficulties. Do morning exercises. It will strengthen muscles, cheer up, cheer up, 
And finally ... about bad habits. The most harmful habits are smoking, drinking and drugs. Smoking is very harmful to the lungs and the entire body. It's very bad when a child starts smoking. He grows worse, gets tired faster at work, learns badly, often gets sick.
                      Is there anything in the world,
                      What can you hide for a long time?
                      Pyatiglassnik Petya Rybkin
                      Slowly began to smoke.
                      The kid has cigarettes
                      And stretches the hand.
                      Lags behind in all subjects,
                      Do not recognize the disciple!
                      The fool started to cough
                      That's what it means - snuff!
- What are the consequences of smoking? - What happens if someone smokes and you are nearby? (breathe in some of the smoke). - What should be done in this case? (to move away).
 Alcohol with excessive use causes diseases of the stomach and other organs, disrupts the work of the whole organism. Especially dangerous is alcohol for children. Even a few sips of alcohol can cause a child severe poisoning.
 Drugs are substances that destroy the human body. After trying the drug once or twice, a person gets used to it and can not do without it anymore. He develops a serious illness - DRUG, which is very difficult to cure. The spread of drugs is a crime for which they are severely punished.

 - To improve and maintain your health, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
 - If you get sick, you must definitely come to the doctor's office.
 - And to feel healthy, happy, remember the words:
                                    I'll save health,
                                                                         I will help myself!
 If you want to be healthy and successful today and tomorrow, do not forget to perform these simple actions that will help you achieve results not only in preserving your health, but also in teaching, communicating with friends and just in life.
1. Get up always at the same time!
2. Thoroughly wash your face and hands, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene!
 3. Clean your teeth thoroughly in the morning and in the evening!
 4. Spend a lot of time outdoors, do sports!
5. Dress up the weather!
 6. Do motor exercises in the breaks between doing homework!
7. Do not be afraid of physical activities, help at home in business matters!  
  8. Go in for sports, learn to overcome difficulties
9. Do not eat harmful foods and drinks, follow the simple rules of healthy, rational nutrition!
Leading a healthy lifestyle, we warn of possible diseases; keep health and attractive appearance. 

Be healthy!
To save health,

The body to strengthen, 
My whole family knows 
There must be a regime for the day.
You guys should know.

We must all sleep longer. 
Well, in the morning, do not be lazy 
Brush your teeth, wash your face,

And often smile, 
Temper, and then 
Do not frighten you spleen.
Health has enemies,

With them, friendship does not lead! 
Among them is a quiet sloth, 
With her you fight every day.
That no microbe

Did not hit by accident in the mouth, 
Wash hands before eating. 
I need soap and water.
Eat vegetables and fruits,

Fish, milk products- 
That's healthy food, 
Vitamin is full!
Go for a walk,

Fresh air breathe. 
Just remember when leaving: 
Dress up for the weather!
Well, and if it happened:

It hurt to get sick, 
you know, you need to see a doctor. 
He will help us always!
Here are those good advice,

In them, and hidden secrets, 
How to save health. 
Learn to appreciate it! 

Course of the game :
Before the start of the game, 4 people are selected who are placed on the points and given instructions to complete the tasks on this point and the conditions for assessing the children. These children are dressed in costumes (doctor, cook ...).
Students are divided into 3 teams by class. Children are given route lists, which indicate the path of their movement on points. 
1 point : "Mysterious"
Children come up with riddles. For the correct answer 1point.
1. Slim girl - 
Rigid bangs, It 
's cool during the day. 
And in the mornings and evenings 
Work is accepted: The 
head will cover 
Yes the walls will wash. (Toothbrush) 
2. Iron pancakes are 
Thin stick - 
Iron rolling pin, 
Pancakes bake, 
Power draws. (Barbell)
3. White trough 
To the floor is nailed. (Bath)

4. Green meadow, 
One hundred benches around, 
From the gate to the gates of 
Boyko runs the people. 
At the gate of these - 
Fishing nets. (Stadium)

5. - I do not understand, guys, who are you?
Birds? Anglers?
What kind of net in the yard?
- You would not interfere with the game,
You'd better go!
We play in ... (Volleyball) 

6. In the empty stomach They beat 
me unbearable; 
The players squeeze 
me into the air with the feet of the cuff. 

It blows the air 
And kicks it. (Soccer ball) 

7. I do not look like a horse, 
And I have a saddle. There are knitting needles 
, they, admit, 
are not suitable for knitting. 
Not an alarm clock, not a tram, 
But I call, and know. (Bike) 

8. There are guys, I have 
Two silver horses. 
I drive at once both. 
What kind of horses do I have? (Skates) 

9. I can not feel my feet with joy, 
I'm flying with fun. 
I became a sport closer and closer, 
Helped me in this? .. (skis) 

10 . You go with friends to the forest,
And he climbed on your shoulders. 
He does not want to go, 
He's very heavy. (Backpack) 

11. And from the wind, and from the heat, 
From the rain you will hide. 
And how to sleep in it is sweet! 
What is this? .. (Tent)
12. There are vegetables and fruits.

Children need to eat a lot. 
There are still tablets 
Taste like candy. 
They are taken for health by 
their cold sometimes.
And for Sasha and Polina

What is useful? - (Vitamins)
13Shape in the form of a comma Pushes the puck before itself. (Hockey stick)
14. In the courtyard in the morning game, Children were playing. Shouts: "puck!", "By!", "Hit!" - There is a game -. (Hockey)
15. On the snow two strips, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone ran here ... (Skiing)
16. I decided to become the power, To the strong man I hurried: - Tell me about this, How did you become a strong man? He smiled back: - It's very simple. Many years, Every day, getting up from bed, I raise ... (Dumbbells) 

2 point : "Medical"
Children are asked questions:
- What kind of doctors do you know? What are they treating?
-What is ARI? What measures of ARVI prevention do you know?
-Why need vitamins?
For the correct answer 1point.

3 point : "Sports"
Children are asked questions:
-Why do I need charging?
-What is sport?
For the correct answer 1 point.,
It is proposed to complete assignments, one person each:
1. Pulling;
2. Push-ups;
3. Rotation of the hoop;
4. Jumping on the rope;
The number of points by the number of completed tasks. 

4 point : "Nutritional"
The team is divided into 2 parts. The task is given: to write out useful and harmful foodstuffs and to explain why?
For the correct answer 1 point, 

5 point : "Video Hall" The last point for all.
Students are encouraged to watch a movie about the dangers of nicotine, alcohol, drugs and the consequences of their use.
At this time, the jury sums up the game. 

Summing up : congratulations to the winners; all are given sweet prizes.
We all know perfectly well what needs to be done and why, and a healthy lifestyle does not require incredible efforts from us.

We wish you:
                  Never get sick;
                  Healthy food;
                  Be cheerful;
                  To do good deeds. 

In general, to lead a healthy lifestyle!

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