Harm and benefit of computer games
Computer games have firmly entered our life, taking the leader's place of honor among a variety of ways to organize a youth holiday. Virtual reality beckons with its limitless possibilities, and the computer entertainment industry every year presents gamers with new and new games, from which it is simply impossible to refuse. However, the harm of computer games is trumpeting everything - and especially worries about the issue of gaming dependency of parents whose children spend all their free time at the monitor. How dangerous are computer games and can they be useful? Harm of computer games The most important danger that computer games represent is the emergence of game dependence. This is a real deviation of the psyche, which requires the help of a qualified doctor and support of relatives and friends.
A person who succumbed to the dependence on computer games, literally lives in virtual reality, only occasionally "excommunicated" in offline. The extreme degree of game dependence is when the gambler has lost his appetite (he does not want to leave games even for eating) and sleep (he pities time for rest and even in a dream continues to conquer worlds and kill enemies). The most terrible thing in this dependence is that it usually starts quite harmlessly, without causing suspicion from close people. Therefore, it is so difficult to deal with gambling addiction - when it becomes obvious, it's impossible to pull the gambler out of its tentacles.
Especially notable is the harm of computer games for children, among which a special group of risk is made up of adolescents. Their fragile mind for a few days lends itself to the negative influence of games, and the problem of how to tear the child away from the computer becomes acute before the parents. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know the measures and feel the sense of time worse - they think that they spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have passed.
However, the harm of computer games affects the adults. And if next to a teenager there can and should be an adult who is obliged to wrest it from the game addiction, then for an adult gamer very few people follow. And by the way, computer games, along with drunkenness and treason, are becoming one of the most popular causes of divorcein young families. Well, what kind of wife would like her husband, all his free time is not in the family circle, but surrounded by virtual robots, zombies and killers? In addition, over time, the gamer becomes inattentive, distracted, he does not get along with work, he ignores his duties. Game addiction causes the collapse of the family, problems at work, leads to depression and loneliness.
Many gamers go further and are willing to spend money to use paid services in online games. Become a few minutes strong and steep, not "pumping" his hero for several months - well, who does not dream about it? And the creators of online games "helpfully" poke the players this opportunity. Of course, not free. And since one game is not limited to everything, money starts to sail away from the family, the gamer eventually gets into debt, the real life begins to resemble the real hell, but in virtual life he is a king, a god and a superhero. This is the price of game addiction.
Speaking about the dangers of computer games for children and adults, it is worth noting that a special danger in this regard is represented by various shooters, rpg, flyers and races .
Why are computer games dangerous? This is the most dangerous kind of games, because the game addiction caused by them, is accompanied by aggressiveness, anger. And no wonder - by shooting people in the virtual world for hours, you are unlikely to become a kind-hearted person.
Harmful are also rpg, flying and racing, which although not characterized by aggression, but require increased attention, are tightened, it is difficult to tear themselves away from them. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for a gamer to press a pause during another race or passing through a labyrinth.
And, of course, computer games online are dangerous in terms of the above-mentioned material waste.
In addition, constant sitting at the computer can cause negative consequences: the eyesight will worsen, there will be problems with excess weight and the musculoskeletal apparatus, the flowing of the hands. Details about the impact of the computer on health you can read in the relevant article on our website . The use of computer games Do you still believe after all that computer games can be useful? It turns out she really can be! First of all, it is worth paying attention to the variety of computer games that contribute to the development of intelligence, logic, attention, memory and other qualities
. These are different logical games, puzzles, rebuses. A special place among such games is occupied by strategies. Such games do not require increased attention, speed, eye strain. They are measured and designed for a long pastime. They can be interrupted at any time, without risking being killed or eaten.
There are a number of developing computer games for the youngest children from 3 to 5 years. They will teach the child letters and numbers, will introduce the world of animals and plants, will have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, contribute to the development of motor skills (manipulation with joystick, mouse and keyboard), visual memory, musical ear.
Evidence of the benefits of computer games for younger students- for them, many training games have been developed that will help to deepen their knowledge in this or that area, teach them how to act in different situations, contribute to the formation of assiduity, concentration, and attentiveness.
With the help of computer games you can gently teach a child to foreign languages, tighten his knowledge on a particular subject, develop "lame" qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer should not be the only source for the development of your child - books that develop table games, designers, puzzles and, of course, parental attention and affection as an integral companion of all occupations remain relevant.
That's why the parents' direct duty is not to forbid the child from interacting with the computer, thereby causing offense and aggression, provoking him to run off to Internet clubs (where he certainly will not be offered development games, but loaded with shooters and brodilkers), and pick the most optimal ones for him the options for computer games, make a plan for classes on them, allow playing a "harmful" shooters a certain time limit, stimulate the child to rest, not only in the virtual world, but in the real world.
And for an adult, there is the benefit of computer games that are "consumed" in moderation. This is a good way to relax after a hard day's work, to get distracted from everyday fuss, to "stir your brains". As in the case of children, it is important to play a variety of games (well, what kind of rest and relaxation in another shooter?) And the time that is given to it. From 1-2 hours a day, spent in computer worlds, nothing bad will happen. Harm and benefit of computer games. Outcome What did we have in the end? As it turned out, everything depends on the sense of proportion and the variety of the game. Virtual reality should not occupy all the free time of a person, nor should it provoke him into cruelty, develop aggression and anger in it. This should be just one of the options for relaxation, along with sports, outdoor activities, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends ...
If you understand that you are deprived of all of the above, and in your life there were only games - urgently fight it! And even better - just do not allow this situation. Life is so beautiful and diverse - and it would be so stupid to spend all of it sitting in front of the monitor screen.
Computer games have firmly entered our life, taking the leader's place of honor among a variety of ways to organize a youth holiday. Virtual reality beckons with its limitless possibilities, and the computer entertainment industry every year presents gamers with new and new games, from which it is simply impossible to refuse. However, the harm of computer games is trumpeting everything - and especially worries about the issue of gaming dependency of parents whose children spend all their free time at the monitor. How dangerous are computer games and can they be useful? Harm of computer games The most important danger that computer games represent is the emergence of game dependence. This is a real deviation of the psyche, which requires the help of a qualified doctor and support of relatives and friends.
A person who succumbed to the dependence on computer games, literally lives in virtual reality, only occasionally "excommunicated" in offline. The extreme degree of game dependence is when the gambler has lost his appetite (he does not want to leave games even for eating) and sleep (he pities time for rest and even in a dream continues to conquer worlds and kill enemies). The most terrible thing in this dependence is that it usually starts quite harmlessly, without causing suspicion from close people. Therefore, it is so difficult to deal with gambling addiction - when it becomes obvious, it's impossible to pull the gambler out of its tentacles.
Especially notable is the harm of computer games for children, among which a special group of risk is made up of adolescents. Their fragile mind for a few days lends itself to the negative influence of games, and the problem of how to tear the child away from the computer becomes acute before the parents. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know the measures and feel the sense of time worse - they think that they spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have passed.
However, the harm of computer games affects the adults. And if next to a teenager there can and should be an adult who is obliged to wrest it from the game addiction, then for an adult gamer very few people follow. And by the way, computer games, along with drunkenness and treason, are becoming one of the most popular causes of divorcein young families. Well, what kind of wife would like her husband, all his free time is not in the family circle, but surrounded by virtual robots, zombies and killers? In addition, over time, the gamer becomes inattentive, distracted, he does not get along with work, he ignores his duties. Game addiction causes the collapse of the family, problems at work, leads to depression and loneliness.
Many gamers go further and are willing to spend money to use paid services in online games. Become a few minutes strong and steep, not "pumping" his hero for several months - well, who does not dream about it? And the creators of online games "helpfully" poke the players this opportunity. Of course, not free. And since one game is not limited to everything, money starts to sail away from the family, the gamer eventually gets into debt, the real life begins to resemble the real hell, but in virtual life he is a king, a god and a superhero. This is the price of game addiction.
Speaking about the dangers of computer games for children and adults, it is worth noting that a special danger in this regard is represented by various shooters, rpg, flyers and races .
Why are computer games dangerous? This is the most dangerous kind of games, because the game addiction caused by them, is accompanied by aggressiveness, anger. And no wonder - by shooting people in the virtual world for hours, you are unlikely to become a kind-hearted person.
Harmful are also rpg, flying and racing, which although not characterized by aggression, but require increased attention, are tightened, it is difficult to tear themselves away from them. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for a gamer to press a pause during another race or passing through a labyrinth.
And, of course, computer games online are dangerous in terms of the above-mentioned material waste.
In addition, constant sitting at the computer can cause negative consequences: the eyesight will worsen, there will be problems with excess weight and the musculoskeletal apparatus, the flowing of the hands. Details about the impact of the computer on health you can read in the relevant article on our website . The use of computer games Do you still believe after all that computer games can be useful? It turns out she really can be! First of all, it is worth paying attention to the variety of computer games that contribute to the development of intelligence, logic, attention, memory and other qualities
. These are different logical games, puzzles, rebuses. A special place among such games is occupied by strategies. Such games do not require increased attention, speed, eye strain. They are measured and designed for a long pastime. They can be interrupted at any time, without risking being killed or eaten.
There are a number of developing computer games for the youngest children from 3 to 5 years. They will teach the child letters and numbers, will introduce the world of animals and plants, will have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, contribute to the development of motor skills (manipulation with joystick, mouse and keyboard), visual memory, musical ear.
Evidence of the benefits of computer games for younger students- for them, many training games have been developed that will help to deepen their knowledge in this or that area, teach them how to act in different situations, contribute to the formation of assiduity, concentration, and attentiveness.
With the help of computer games you can gently teach a child to foreign languages, tighten his knowledge on a particular subject, develop "lame" qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer should not be the only source for the development of your child - books that develop table games, designers, puzzles and, of course, parental attention and affection as an integral companion of all occupations remain relevant.
That's why the parents' direct duty is not to forbid the child from interacting with the computer, thereby causing offense and aggression, provoking him to run off to Internet clubs (where he certainly will not be offered development games, but loaded with shooters and brodilkers), and pick the most optimal ones for him the options for computer games, make a plan for classes on them, allow playing a "harmful" shooters a certain time limit, stimulate the child to rest, not only in the virtual world, but in the real world.
And for an adult, there is the benefit of computer games that are "consumed" in moderation. This is a good way to relax after a hard day's work, to get distracted from everyday fuss, to "stir your brains". As in the case of children, it is important to play a variety of games (well, what kind of rest and relaxation in another shooter?) And the time that is given to it. From 1-2 hours a day, spent in computer worlds, nothing bad will happen. Harm and benefit of computer games. Outcome What did we have in the end? As it turned out, everything depends on the sense of proportion and the variety of the game. Virtual reality should not occupy all the free time of a person, nor should it provoke him into cruelty, develop aggression and anger in it. This should be just one of the options for relaxation, along with sports, outdoor activities, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends ...
If you understand that you are deprived of all of the above, and in your life there were only games - urgently fight it! And even better - just do not allow this situation. Life is so beautiful and diverse - and it would be so stupid to spend all of it sitting in front of the monitor screen.
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