Quantum Therapy 

Currently, quite often the media mention such terms as "MIL-therapy", "quantum treatment", "bioresonance therapy". Most people have a poor understanding of these concepts. Meanwhile, quantum therapy is a treatment with light, which refers to ultramodern wellness techniques. The treatment with quantum therapy involves the use in medicine of light-emitting diodes, lasers, sources of polarization light, ultraviolet radiation devices. The impact of light today is the most progressive trend in hardware physiotherapy.

Features of quantum therapy

Modern phototherapy is based on the theories and experience of ancient oriental healers.
They believed that the life of any organism on our planet is inconceivable without the
presence of internal energy. A person receives vital energy at birth from parents, with food
and even from the bowels of the earth, according to which he walks. And the transfer link
in obtaining energy are located on the human body biologically active, or acupuncture
points. If a negative external or internal effect occurs on the human body, then the work
of these points is disrupted. As a result, this or that organ ceases to draw energy in the
right amount, which contributes to the development of various diseases.

On the basis of these theories, many treatment methods have been developed, which are well known to everyone today - acupuncture, electropuncture, acupressure, cold exposure, magnetotherapy. Modern scientists decided to connect to the action on biologically active points quanta - the smallest light particles. Thus, quantum therapy was born, during which energy metabolism in the body is corrected by narrowly directed light waves of a variety of color scales.

Procedure and contraindications

It should be noted that the courses of quantum therapy take quite a long time - a few
months. Special quantum-laser devices are used for the procedure. The emitter of the
device is applied to a specific part of the body, which is determined by the doctor, after
which the device generates various types of radiation. The procedure is absolutely safe
and painless. Only it is necessary to take into account contraindications to its conduct:
high body temperature, convulsive syndrome, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, leukemia,
Basedova's disease (thyrotoxicosis), oncological diseases.

Indications and treatment effect

Quantum therapy can cure serious diseases: pneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis,
stomach and duodenal ulcer, depressive and asthenic syndrome, migraine, immunodeficiency
states. Diabetic angiopathy, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of
lower extremities, postthrombotic syndrome, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, diseases of the
endocrine, urogenital, respiratory systems and many other severe pathologies are effective.
Numerous clinical trials and evidence of specialists have shown that the procedure of
quantum therapy has analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect. At
the same time, cholesterol level decreases, tissue regeneration and blood microcirculation
improves, the production of collagen, protein and various enzymes necessary for normal
vital activity of the body increases.

Quantum Therapy: The Importance of Color

When quantum therapy is important, the choice of color, to which acupuncture points also
respond. For example, purple color is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
rheumatism, as well as epilepsy, as it removes excitement. Blue color promotes recovery in
otitis, sinusitis, eye diseases. To calm down the nervous system successfully use a soothing
green color. Accelerates the thought processes, enhances the intellect and stimulates the
work of the brain yellow color. Increases male potency, eliminates digestive problems,
strengthens the immune system with a source of energy, such as orange. In turn, pulsating
red color removes from a depressive state, helps to cure blood diseases. But black color
has a negative energy effect,

Thus, the treatment with quantum therapy is used today in almost all fields of medicine. This
drug-free, highly effective treatment-and-prophylactic method can with good reason be called
therapy for the future. Be healthy!

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